Monday, June 29, 2009

Mrs. Abramowitz's Monitors

On Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at 6:04 a.m.,
Mr. Abramowitz emailed Mrs. Abramowitz and cc’d his attorney, Charles Ver Hoeve:

(Editor’s Note: Missing capitalization—[sic].)


it has come to my understanding that you are not having monitored visits with harriet and theodore, and that you are in fact having your "monitors" pick up harriet and theodore and having them leave soon after 1:00 pm.

this is deeply dishonest on your part and on the part of your "monitors" and sets a really bad example for harriet and theodore, especially in that they have answered evasively and dishonestly when asked about their sunday visits with mom.

i believe harriet and theodore should have a healthy and consistent relationship with their mother, and i have done my best to be reasonable and accommodating throughout this difficult period of your refusal to cooperate with what the court requires of you. however, dishonesty and total refusal to adhere to what is required of you is not acceptable and not in harriet and theodore's best interests. i really hope you can resolve this situation and continue the regular and consistent visits that mean so much to harriet and theodore.

thank you.